Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Raven meets with a group of Marine officers while at an international poetry convention in Las Vegas. The five SpecOps teammates are a sworn brotherhood and it seems they are all interested in her. All but one, that is. The one man that makes Raven’s heart beat faster each time she is near him, is the commanding officer of the team, Drew Merino. However, it seems that the only feeling Drew has for her is resentment...
The Book's Creation
I’ve always loved to read about a group of guys who felt like brothers to each other, who supported each other and protected each other’s lives. Since I can remember, I had always wanted a big brother to look out for me. I had a little sister whom I had to look out for, protect and care for.
I took that responsibility very seriously because I loved her, of course, and I am a natural protector. I was also the one watching out that no one steals any purses or the like when I was out with my friends in a busy bar. That included my male friends, not only female ones. I’d be the group’s designated security in that sense.
When I started reading military romance, I was impressed with the dedication these men have for each other, how best friends are brothers who do everything for each other and also look out for the families of the individuals in a sworn group of such men. I loved the idea that there was always someone to turn to for help for a spouse and that the women who were in relationships with these men also supported each other. And in an ideal story, they all got along and became great friends.
So one day, I decided to write such a story where a woman is not only falling in love with a man but also becoming part of such a family unit of the heart. In Drew, Raven is the first one in the group to become a wife and I will write more about this group in the future, it's in planning. But writing this first book, Drew, really expressed my deep love for my heart family and the ideal of mutual support and friendship beyond the call of duty.
I am very blessed to have some close friends in the world whom I love deeply and can turn to with my happy news, as well as my worries and fears. Friends who support me in my growth and whom I support. We cheer each other on, provide a shoulder to lean on in times of need and celebrate each other’s achievements. These beautiful Goddesses give me so much strength and courage, a different perspective when I am stuck in a negative mindset and help me to laugh at myself.
This kind of friendship is so precious and valuable to me, so I incorporated this energy and love I have with my soul sisters, as I like to call them, in my first book in this series in male form and also added the female protagonist, Raven, gaining not only the love of her life but a whole Band of Brothers as well. This theme will carry through in the rest of the series and it is also present in my other series books, where female friendships are concerned, especially in THE BFF DIARIES, to celebrate female friendships.
It’s been a beautiful experience to write this book and I have also included some poetry. I’ve included fun and love, but also challenges, fear and hardship. All this has made it a special experience for me on an inner level on top of weaving this first love story and planning the two subsequent ones in the narrative. When I write, I always write from my heartspace, and I work through themes that have relevance to my own life and psyche at the time, be it for myself or people close to me.
So this adult romance novel is not only a sexy love story. It is a story of friendship, of family and of love for yourself and others.


Reviews for Drew
God, this is hot!
Drew has quite a few preferences I can relate to. So yeah, this is hot! Like 5 flames or chillis or whatever the current rating is on steam amongst book bloggers. Not the first hot read by Tirza Schaefer but here, she is stepping it up. That elevator scene, I thought, I was gonna punch the guy for not catching on. But later, they finally got it going and he's getting out all the kink from this cute little poetess.
I love that despite all the hot action, however, again, there is a deeper message here woven into the story and addressing the ever-spreading problem of veterans suffering from PTSD and not receiving enough care and support. On average, we have 22 suicides a day from this condition and that shouldn't be happening anymore at this day and age. We need to be more aware and help those who need us because they've given so much for our country and the free world to be safe and free.
Yes, I'm a patriot, so sue me. But I appreciate someone who is so obviously on the other end of the spectrum with her innocence and untainted ideals using her writing to point out the problems we have in our society and shows the path of compassion, rather than ignorance and turning backs on true heroes who sacrificed their own mental health.
5 stars all the way! And if I could, I'd give 22 instead!
Tuari Eagleswing, Reader
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First time reading any of this authors work and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This is a well thought out and interesting story. I found myself looking forward in anticipation to the next scene. The story flowed very well and at the end I wanted more. There are many twists and turns. I did not want to put it down.
The Endless Unread, Reader
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Great Sexy Read!
Raven has just won the most important award she’s ever received at a poets convention. When she’s out with some fellow writers, she sees five sexy marines and asks for pictures. What she couldn’t have expected was to fall hard for Drew. But, since he’s the only guy in the group who isn’t flirting with her is she destined to just fantasize or does he feel the same way? Great, sexy novel. Drew makes a woman wish she could go to Vegas and get swooped up in a hot, sexy romance.
I am skipping my next book in line and getting the next in the series. Each of the marines has a different personality and charm and I look forward to reading their stories.
Lindsay Whitlock, Author
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Band of Brothers - Drew
Vegas, a poet and five Special Ops Marines. What a bombastic mixture! And it’s really hard to choose! Wouldn’t want to be in the poor woman’s shoes. But then she chooses and he doesn’t want to. But then he does.
But one of the other Marines gets upset over it. When the heroine tries to make things right, it gets worse. So much happens and it’s fun, it’s hot and it’s sexy, but also deeply insightful.
Love the poetry! Just goes to show, love and spirituality go hand in hand. Couldn’t put the book down. I tried. I couldn’t. I’m going to read the next one now!
Karen Bennett, Reader
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Impressive & beautiful!
Raven is a European poet and wins a prize at a convention in Las Vegas where she meets five hot US Marines heroes who will at first make you believe that the story might unfold into a ménage à cinque. However, this is not so, because Raven only wants one of the team, the angry captain who is not interested in her at all.
Until he is. And then, oh my God, things happen! What I love about this book is its complexity. From steamy scenes to philosophical poetry and a very sensitive and deeply caring approach to military personnel suffering from PTSD, this book offers way and beyond more than an ordinary romance novel would. Impressive and beautiful!
Sekhmet, Reader
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Loved this story!
Raven an award-winning poet, meets Drew and his Marine band of brothers and learns so much about love and honour and true friendship.
In Drew, she finds true soul-deep love and passion and a wonderful happily ever after! Can't wait to read the next book in this great series! Many thanks!
Kaitlin, Reader
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Hot fast read. Need a hero, a good-bad boy book boyfriend? Damn!!! This is your book. It's an easy fast read with hot military men. I wish all Vegas trips were like this.
Maxine Keith, Reader