Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

With years of experience working with oracle cards and later having added a diploma in Tarot over one and a half years of intense study to my repertoire as well, I am offer Tarot readings that range from comprehensive (30 min) to extended (1 hour). I also offer a Goddess Reading that combines the wisdom of a Goddess, Tarot and Goddess Reiki integrative anchoring in one session that lasts approx. 90 min.
Past Life Regression is a technique to access past lives from your own subconscious memory in order to gain greater insight into past lives and karmic ties and connections you have between them and your present incarnation. There are various ways to access this information (like Tarot or Akashic records readings), or you can go through a guided session that enables you to access those memories yourself in a safe, comfortable and non-judgmental space. The latter is the one I am offering here. For more details and to book a session, click on the button below.
Since 2003 I am an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher. In 2018 to 2020, I founded Goddess Reiki after some intense spiritual experiences during Reiki healing sessions. Goddesses started to come to my sessions and lend their energy to my healing, and eventually, I was given new symbols which led me to create this new modality of Goddess Reiki.
I have already given Goddess Reiki in private healing sessions, as well as in lives in different groups on Facebook and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. I use Goddess Reiki symbols alongside the traditional Usui Reiki ones as I am intuitively guided during a healing session. You can book a single session or a discounted package, as you prefer.
As a Goddess Facilitator, I support women in discovering, embracing and empowering their own innate feminine Goddess power. I'm sure you've heard sayings like "the weaker sex" or "grow some balls." There are many more and they all suggest that women are somehow weaker and meeker by default. However, that is far from the truth. We're all equal, but we are not the same. To discover the divine feminine within you, your own inner Goddess, doesn't mean to put men (or anyone else) down. It means to EMPOWER YOURSELF and to unearth your own hidden strengths and talents, your own Goddess archetypes.
In my Goddess courses for women, you can meet many Goddesses in guided meditations and visualisations. Bit by bit, you will learn that to be a woman is to be a unique, powerful and highly intuitive be-ing. You learn how to integrate those energies into yourself in a way that allows you to tap into those archetypal powers at any time you choose and you will learn simple rituals that you can incorporate into your life that will help you on your path to ever greater self-realisation and empowerment.
As the two courses are still in the phase of creation, I will give you an overview of both below, at the end of which is a contact form. If you want to be notified, fill it out and I will let you know as soon as they are available.
We start with the FREE Discovering Goddess and continue to later on with my signature course Be-Coming Goddess. Both are self-study courses and will be hosted online. There is also a free Facebook community, Tirza's Goddesses (for women only) that you can join to exchange ideas and experiences and mutual support. Once the signature course is up and running, it will have its own private members-only community on Facebook with special perks and lifetime access, the details of which will be forthcoming.
Discovering Goddess
Discovering Goddess is an online-based self-study course with downloadable PDF and many educational videos. You will learn:
What is the Divine Feminine?
What are archetypes?
Goddesses of light and shadow
How to work with archetypal Goddess energies
Guided meditations to meet the Goddess
Rituals to invoke the power of the Goddess
Join Tirza's Goddesses on Facebook to get to know like-minded women and be part of a safe, loving and supportive all-women community.
Be-Coming Goddess
Be-Coming Goddess is a course for women who want to change their lives, get to know the Goddess(es) better and empower themselves by learning about women's history, mythology from different cultures and timelines all around the world and archetypes that can be met, integrated and utilized for greater authenticity, self-expression and empowerment.
Join Tirza's Goddesses on Facebook to get to know like-minded women and be part of a safe, loving and supportive all-women community.
Start with the free introductory course "Introduction to the Divine Feminine Principle" first as a foundation for this course. Once "Be-Coming Goddess" is up and running, there will be a members-only private Facebook group with many perks to go alongside it. You can study in your own time and will have lifetime access (the course's life-time, not mine) to the course material and the member group.
Please fill out the form below and I will get in touch when the course is going live.