Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Tirza's Toolbox
Tirza Schaefer has studied occult and esoteric sciences and various alternative healing and facilitation technniques since 1991. She has also developed her own healing modality, Goddess Reiki. Below, you can read up on the various modalities and qualifications this versatile healer, coach and facilitator has at her disposal to bring you the highest quality of healing possible. She is also still studying to continuously further her expertise and develop herself, both professionally & personally.
Using a combination of all the modalities at her disposal, as well as her innate psychic gifts, deep empathy and loving, nonjudgmental nature, she offers a uniquely personal and highly effective range of services, facilitating healing, personal development and self-empowerment, as well as guidance and counselling to her work.
For legal reasons, please note that Tirza is not a psychotherapist, financial, legal or medical professional and therefore, her services are "for entertainment purposes only."
When you book her services, you agree that you take sole responsibility for any choices and results you may make or have and that Tirza Schaefer, as the service provider, is not liable or carries any responsibility, legal or moral. Her services should be used alongside professional counselling and do not substitute those; medical, legal financial or psychotherapy, etc. (Please also read the DISCLAIMER page.)​
As to Tirza's innate and acquired talents, skills and qualifications:
Skills & Qualifications
Working with her Spirit Team (any kind of spiritual entities that serve as my personal guides, i.e. deities, power animals, ancestors or other ones).
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher (Certified, 2003)
Founder of Goddess Reiki (2018)
Diploma in Tarot (Certified, 2023)
Oracle Card Reading (2012)
Ancient Egyptian Shamanism (To be certified, 2025)
Various Shamanic Techniques (since 2012)
Guided Meditation / Visualisation / Hypnosis (since 2012)
Past Life Regression (since 2009)
Founded Goddess Facilitation (2017)
Archetypal Work (2017)​​
Energy Imprinting (2017)
Magick / Witchcraft Practitioner (2023)
Basics of Astrology (2024)
Tirza's Spirit Team
Personally, Tirza has spirit guides that are mostly comprised of deities and power animals. There are also a couple of ancestors. However, this can - and does - look different for every individual person. Angels, ascended masters, spirits, servitors, etc, can all be part of one's guiding team, and as long as you are sure they have your highest interest at heart, having a good relationship with them and communicating often, is a great way of not only strengthening the bond between you, but also of inviting them to support and guide you ever more effectively in your own life and spiritual work.
Some of the most prominent (and permanent) members of Tirza's spirit team are:
Deities: Tefnut, Anubis, Sekhmet, Wadjet
Power Animals: Jaguar, Cobra, Wolf, Turtle, Deer (Stag)
Ancestors: A Germanic chieftain (of a very small, obscure tribe) and a "witch"/ wise woman from the Middle Ages who lived locally and was able to evade persecution.
There are deities, power animals and angels that come once in a while or for a short period of time to help with a certain issue, to learn a particular lesson, etc, but the above are the ones that have been with Tirza consistently since she first connected with them (or better, became consciously aware of the connection, which may or may not have been there subconsciously before without her realising), the first being Jaguar when she was a little child.
Tirza's spirit team and any others who feel they are needed at any given time in her spiritual or mundane work/activities have given her much support, guidance and added power in all her undertakings throughout the course of her life and are a valuable asset in her (spiritual) work and overall life.
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful energy healing modality whereby the healer channels Reiki energy, usually through the hands, into the person receiving the healing. This can be done in person, where hands are usually also laid onto the body unless otherwise specified beforehand, and over distance, using symbols the healer is attuned to, in time and/or space.
Reiki energy is the universal life force that animates us all. It is a powerful healing agent and can be used to work not only on the physical body but also on emotions, mental issues and on the spiritual level to promote wellbeing, health and happiness.​
Tirza's Reiki Experience
Tirza Schaefer is a qualified Reiki master/teacher. Her first initiations were between 2002 and 2003. In 2017/18. She also took another Reiki Level 1 & 2 and a master level course with Leila Hardy to enhance her skills, amplify her healing abilities and learn additional techniques to be able to provide the best quality of healing she possibly can.​
In her Healing & Facilitation sessions, Tirza creates a loving, caring, non-judgmental, safe and comfortable atmosphere in a protected container in which the client can relax and surrender themselves in order to achieve the best possible results during and subsequent to their session.​
Tirza found that when doing a longer, more in-depth course, she was able to connect to the healing energies on a much deeper, more personal level, from which Goddess Reiki was ultimately created. That is also why she teaches Reiki, Goddess archetypal work and Tarot) in longer courses. Her aim is for each student to find that deep connection, develop their very own individual way of healing and harnessing the Reiki energy in combination with their other unique and special skillsets, talents and preferences and find their own niche.
Tirza no longer offers single Reiki sessions, but uses it as part of her healing and coaching work, energy imprinting and to give an extra boost to her guided meditations, in order for her students and course members to be able to experience a deeper level of connection and healing.
What Is Goddess Reiki?
​Goddess Reiki is a download of various Reiki symbols given to Tirza Schaefer by various Goddesses. It is still a work in progress, as it didn’t happen overnight, but the symbols are given over a period of time, whenever she is ready to receive the next one. She first had Goddesses appear more and more often in her Reiki practice. As she loves and works a lot with Goddess energies, Tirza started to deliberately invoke the Goddesses, specific ones, as well as a general invitation, as she felt intuitively guided, and worked very successfully this way for a while.
Until one day, the thought struck her that if she constantly had Goddesses appear in her healing and take an active and supportive role in the process, that perhaps, like in other Reiki modalities, there should be symbols to go with this as well. Nearly instantly, Tirza had a vision of a group of Goddesses standing closely together throwing their arms up, laughing and shaking their heads and saying, “We thought, you’d never ask!”
Duh, she felt stupid for a moment, but they lovingly ruffled her hair and reminded her that she wasn’t and that she should never think ill of herself because that is the #1 reason we all keep ourselves from being the grandest version of ourselves that we can be in human form. She was given the master symbol by the Goddess Brigid first and others followed. When she had the first three, she tried them out during a live on Facebook in a friend's spiritual group (ca. 2K very active members) and asked her audience for feedback on the energies they felt with each particular symbol.
The feedback she received from other Reiki practitioners who were trained in various other Reiki modalities besides Usui Reiki was of special interest to her. The resonance was quite unanimous. All symbols felt powerful - yet infinitely gentle and loving - and they could feel distinct differences between the three separate symbols.
Her journey in working with the Goddess energies and archetypes has continued from there, including her Goddess Reiki practice. Tirza uses the symbols alongside the Usui Reiki ones, as she feels guided to do intuitively at any given moment. She also loves to work with those energies and connect with the many different Goddesses that deign to join her in her healing and counselling work. They are not necessarily the ones from whom she received the symbol that she is using at that particular time.
For example, Tirza never had much of a connection to Goddess Brigid, and yet, she came to her once to give her the Goddess Reiki master symbol and healing frequency, after only having shown up briefly years previously, when Tirza wrote a Goddess article about her, the second she ever wrote; the first being Tefnut.
She may also have Power Animals, Gods, her ancestor guides or Angels join her, (in that order of frequency,) the exception being the Egyptian jackal-headed God Anubis who is one of her closest personal guides. He is never far and hovers around, in the background or butting in, however, he feels like (in alignment with Tirza's free will, of course). In a healing/coaching session for clients, he doesn’t take centre stage very often, though, more when she does self-healing or just wants to talk or joke around. Usually, it’s Goddesses and a Power Animal or two at times. However, it is only Goddesses from whom Tirza has received any symbols and special healing frequencies.
Past Life Regression
After experiencing past life regression through a taster session at the Mind Body Spirit Exhibition in London in the early 2000s, Tirza used Reiki and meditation to access a past life memory. Her question: "Why am I so afraid of sharks?"
Being able to access this memory and make peace with it, showed her how important karmic work is, and so she undertook a journey of self-exploration, as well as using it on interested friends over the years, improving her technique each time. Now she is using it as part of her healing packages. She gently guides you into your own inner subconscious to access your memories in a safe and non-judgmental space, using a maze meditation technique and intuitive guidance.
Once the client is in a relaxed and comfortable state, Tirza begins the session with a grounding exercise, then going into the maze and accessing the client's memories. It is an interactive process. You tell Tirza what you see and sense, and she will ask further questions as intuitively guided to get the most information and make you feel safe and comfortable throughout.
Once you've explored, Tirza will gently guide you back to your normal conscious state and you can discuss what you have experienced, and she’ll answer any further questions you may have.
Here is a testimonial from a happy client and powerful Goddess in her own right, Asa Nilsson, More Moss to the People Podcast & Swedish Death Cleaning (more praise for Tirza's services below):
Tarot & Oracle Cards
Tarot and oracle cards are a tool for self-development, innner work, guidance and divination. Oracle cards don't have a set system that is (mostly) adhered to by creators of different decks. Tarot is different. Most modern decks are based on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck that was first published in 1909 and is still the most commonly used for reading, and especially for teaching, due to its many layers of symbolism and meaning.
There are 78 cards in a Tarot deck, 22 Major Arcana cards and 54 Minor Arcana, the latter being further sub-divided into 4 suits, Swords, Wands, Cups and Pentacles. Each suit has 10 number cards (also called Pip cards) and 4 Court cards. The cards have archetypal symbolism, are connected to the kabbalistic tree of life and Western astrology, providing many layers of meaning.
Tirza is certified in an internationally accredited Diploma in Tarot and is now, after doing many readings for friends, family and clients, also teaching the foundational principles of Tarot to students. Her aim is to empower as many women as possible to read the cards for themselves and use them as a tool, first and foremost, for greater self-development, archetypal work, healing and guidance.
Tirza also uses Tarot in her work with clients for healing, guidance and deep archetypal work.
A last comment for all who have heard any disturbing superstitious, negative rumours about Tarot cards being evil in some way:
Tarot cards are made of cardboard with pictures printed onto them. They hold the power and significance that YOU ascribe to them. The artwork has the function to facilitate deep intuitive insights as our subconscious works with symbols and archetypes and not cognitive thought and language.
It is much like looking up into the sky and seeing shapes in clouds that may trigger certain thoughts or memories. For example, Tirza once saw a cloud shaped like a crocodile. This triggered two memories for me:
"On holiday in Malaysia with my then-husband, we visited a crocodile farm and I got to see those giant reptiles much closer than is possible to do in a European zoo, (due to blatant disregard of safety precautions on that farm that would never be allowed in a European country, which was scary, but also fascinating)."
"The ancient Egyptian crocodile god Sobek, which led me to meet him in a shamanic journey and facilitated some deeper insights into a theme in my life I was dealing with at the time."
Tarot cards work in a similar fashion and you can also meet the archetypes of any card you choose in a shamanic journey to connect to it more deeply and understand its "personality" and characteristics better.
Tirza has found that certain traits in Goddesses (archetypes) correspond closely with these universal archetypal themes depicted in the Tarot, and is working on assigning a Goddess to each Tarot card. When you read up on various Goddesses or Tarot cards in Tirza Schaefer's Divine Library, you will find, that many have already been assigned. It is an ongoing work, and more related content is in planning for the future.
Archetypal Work
Tirza has no formal qualification in psychotherapy or Jungian coaching. However, she has intuitively worked with archetypes before she was even aware of the concept. Since then, she has deepened her knowledge through self-study, reading Carl Gustav Jung's work (Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by C. G. Jung) on the subject and through various teachings and healing/coaching of other experts in the field that she has studied and/or had sessions with.
Archetypes are a fundamental building block of Tarot reading as well as Goddess Facilitation, and even astrology. Although astrology does not count as one of Tirza's areas of expertise, she has a basic working knowledge and continues to study and practice more as time allows.
Shamanic Practices & Hypnotic States
Having decades of experience - as a client as well as guiding clients - into light hypnotic states to facilitate shamanic journeying, visualisation, meditation and healing, she uses this modality, adapted to her own work and goals in her client sessions to make the client more open to intuitive insights, visualisation, meditation, relaxation and healing. This is an absolutely safe, light hypnotic state in which the client retains complete control at all times.
You cannot be made to do anything you don't want, and can break off and get out of it yourself whenever you want. It has nothing to do with "stage hypnosis entertainment" at all!!! You are in a safe, protected and loving container throughout while Tirza takes care that your experience is going to be a positive and deeply healing and insightful one.
At any time that she feels it is best for you to come out prematurely (hasn't happened yet in her over two decades of experience), or you do, Tirza, can gently end the light alpha state (brainwave pattern that you experience naturally several times a day when you "zone out") you're in and bring you back to an ordinary, everyday mental state (or you can just as easily do so yourself). Again, this need has not arisen before, and all of Tirza's clients have confirmed a positive experience, whether in group or 1:1 sessions.
Tirza is also currently studying a course in Ancient Egyptian shamanism (as time allows) and will be certified as a practitioner by the end of it, after passing her final exams.
Energy Imprinting
Energy Imprinting is a technique by which the client is imprinted more deeply with a new belief or affirmation and the relating frequencies, bypassing the filter of the intellectual mind and lodging it into the subconscious. This is done with words, energy facilitation and the fully conscious cooperation of the client. The aim is to heal old wounds and replace negative belief systems that no longer serve you with healthier, positive and empowering ones.
Goddess Facilitation
Goddess Facilitation is a unique combination of the above mentioned modalities and techniques, that can vary according to the client's needs and Tirza's own innate intuitive guidance during a session with the goal to bring greater clarity, healing and empowerment to the client in a safe, loving and nonjudgmental container by strengthening the client's connection to their own innate Divine Feminine energies. This has nothing to do with gender(-identification), as we all have masculine and feminine energy within us and need to bring it into a healthy balance to avoid imbalances in our psyche, emotions and bodies, and to gain greater self-realisation, healing and inner peace.
To find out how you can work with Tirza, check out The Smiling Goddess Center (English) for online courses and her Services page for working with her 1:1.
If you live in or close to Bergisch Gladbach (near Köln/Cologne) in Germany and speak the Native language, you can also check out our in-person classes and events at the Center: The Smiling Goddess Center (German).
Praise for Tirza's Personal Services
"Tirza and I did a past life regression on three of my past lives and it was such an interesting experience. She prepared me well for what I needed to think about in advance. Tirza explained how I could create the most comfortable environment possible so I would remain present during the session. I had no idea what to expect as I have never had a past life regression before but Tirza was a pro, right from the start. Through her soft and comforting voice, I relaxed deeply and she guided me on a journey and took me to 3 past lives where I received the answers and clarity I was searching for. She asked me questions to help guide me around the space so I could connect to what I was experiencing. Like asking what could I see around me, what was the landscape like around me, what was I wearing, it all helped me to 'see' more clearly what I was doing and where I was. It was all fascinating. If you are wondering why you are the way you are, or why you keep experiencing certain people or situations in your life, consider doing a past life regression with Tirza. She will help guide you to your own truth."
Asa Nilsson, More Moss to the People Podcast & Swedish Death Cleaning
"I booked a session with Tirza for a reading regarding a vision I had of the goddesses Wadjet and Nekhbet during my meditation. Words can’t express how much love Tirza is and her active listening from the heart made me feel so open to share my journey. I received clear confirmation and guidance in so many things in my life, which makes me more relieved and confident. Thank you so much for sharing your intuitive messages and guidance. So much love!"
Maryem El Ghazali, Client
I recently had a Goddess Empowerment Reading with Tirza, and it was so enlightening and helpful for where I am in my business. Something definitely shifted for me during the session, as I noticed my mood and motivation was a great deal higher in the days following.
Tirza is easy to talk to, deeply caring and compassionate and highly intuitive. She is incredibly knowledgable and brings all her skills to play in her sessions.
Highly recommend.
Vanessa Lovell, Soul Code Artist & Alchemist
I recently had a reading with Tirza, and I was blown away. The accuracy of what she told me was impressive. Not only did Tirza articulate exactly what I was feeling at the time due to considerable changes in my life, but she was also able to suggest what I needed to feel like me again. I felt emotionally heard without having to tell her, and by the time our session was over, it felt like a huge weight had been taken from my shoulders. And I felt that I had the plan and emotional strength to get through the changes in my life.
Thank you, Tirza, for helping me see sense in my situation and showing me that it’s okay to ask for and do what I need for myself. You are the best!
Beth Worsdell, Author
"My live reading with Tirza was amazing. One, she explained everything so well. Two, I felt like the interaction was amazing. We got along well. I had a bunch of laughs and enjoyed the whole interaction. Even though my internet was being a pain. As for the reading, I needed a three month into the future reading. It also including love (marriage). As far as I can see it’s been accurate. I also loved and enjoyed the advice Tirza gave to me after each card was drawn. Especially, for me, to work towards finding the good things within each day. It’s been two weeks and since my reading and it’s been a major help. I cannot wait to see where I end up at the end of April."
Elise Ballard, Book Blogger
"I had a Goddess Empowerment Session with Tirza yesterday. She brought forward messages that I needed to hear again through her oracle cards and gave me a reiki session afterwards. Tirza has a very lovely and calming presence and brings forward messages in a gentle way. I felt SOOOO AMAZING after the Goddess Reiki session. I felt lighter, happier and more grounded thanks to her support. She really made my afternoon and I would definitely recommend her to people seeking guidance and support with their energy! Thanks again Tirza!"
Stef Ventura, Lifecoach & Peruvian Travel Influencer
"I had the most AMAZING Goddess reading with Tirza last week. Tirza was so spot on with all of the information that she brought forth for me. I felt understood and heard by her gentle and compassionate way of delivering her messages. I was able to get clarity on some deep issues that were perplexing me and felt such a sense of inner peace. I wholeheartedly recommend Tirza’s Goddess Reiki Sessions for anyone who is looking to seek the divine wisdom of the goddesses. She is a class act! Thank you so much Tirza!!!"
RaShawn Dyonne, Psychotherapist
"Tirza Schaefer is a soulful, deep, spiritually connected woman that 'feels in' to her work. Not only is she wicked 'book' smart, she is a Super Empath and reads Tarot cards from her heart, not from memorization of the meanings of the cards. I have received several deep readings from Tirza and I would recommend her to anyone that wants a full experience, not just a quick fix."
Asa Nilsson, More Moss to the People Podcast & Swedish Death Cleaning
"Oh my goodness! The clearing tears, the emotions, the reassurance from reading this has been deeply healing. This will be my Bible amongst my journal this coming year! Tirza, I cannot thank you enough for this peace of beauty, I have been setting intentions and goals for 2018 and it has blown me away how aligned your channelled messages are to the intentions I have set to be worked on or achieved by certain times next year. – I’m speechless!"
Leila Hardy, Holistic Health & Life Coach
"On a whim I decided to have Tirza do an annual reading for me. I have worked with cards for years, but I have never had someone do an annual reading like this. First of all, I loved all of the information, like 84 pages of it. I loved the cards she used, the messages and affirmations also feel spot on for me and where I am heading this year. I am so pleased with this experience, and I highly recommend Tirza to anyone looking for guidance. Thanks Tirza."
Caroline Nixon, Holistic Healer
"WOW! It has been a while since I have had a reading of any kind and Tirza was refreshing and spot on. The message from her guide was a wonderful surprise that I did not expect, and I felt a special connection to not just her guide, but to the message that was given."
Linda Philipp, Client
"I have just completed the 6 week summer challenge with Tirza and absolutely loved it. She is very inspiring and an awesome teacher and very supportive, would do another course with her anytime."
Kay Harris, Registered Nurse & Maori Wise Woman
"I can really recommend the reading from Tirza. It is very professional. You get 3 cards from different card decks. I have no background knowledge and it is a big help how comprehensible Tirza explains the meaning of the cards and what I can see on it. The summary at the end is a great finish from a marvellous reading which gave me an overview about situations and feelings from another side. Very inspiring!"
Kai Bulb, Civil Service Manager
"Inspiring & beautiful! Tapping into your energy vibrations helps make your life, other lives & the Universe so much better, healthier, intune with all. Thank you!"
Patricia Fontana, Client
"Tirza’s knowledge of and passion for all things Goddess is truly amazing! I highly recommend her Full Moon Goddess Circle. She’s great company and her reiki healing is wonderful. The visions I had are still working magic in many areas of my life. Her beautiful smile and laugh bring light and warmth all the way to me over here in freezing Canada! My kids enjoyed her kids book and I enjoyed enjoying it with them. It‘s so nice to have new ways of telling them how amazing, creative and full of stardust they are! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your heart and light and love and gifts."
Emily J Bell, Owner of Tree Chic Eco Boutique & independent Web Designer at Emily J Bell
"Dear Tirza, I feel wonderful!!!! Thank you so much! I felt something release in me before you said ok, how do you feel. I felt free. I have not had a sad cry day for a week, so nice! Or even just the weighed-down feeling. Thank you so much again. You helped me so much!"
Jill Rochon, Client
I just had an incredible Reiki session with the lovely, caring Tirza! She gently guided me to a place of peace while pulling out negative energy and healing the pain that I had been having in my back and legs. She was gentle and open, sharing her gifts in a way that brought peace and comfort. I left the session feeling energized and centred. She is an amazingly supportive healer with a beautiful soul!
Carol Owens, Author
"Your Goddess Reiki is the most beautiful thing I have witnessed!x As well as your readings!"
Leila Hardy, Holistic Health & Life Coach
"Tirza's wisdom is like watching a million falling stars lighting up the night from galaxies unknown... but the lights are within our own hearts. Shine on!"
Gayvenda Kessler, Acclaimed Painter, Spiritual Artist & Healer
"Not only is Tirza, an author of both children's and adults books, she is also a healer, an intuitive reader, a blogger, an academic genius, a mum, and available for voice overs; she also runs a couple of Facebook groups and still finds time to have fun. Tirza has a great sense of humour and is also very thoughtful. We are so happy that she shares her knowledge with us and makes us laugh. She is a real pleasure to know. Her pages and her website, are jam-packed with valuable information and tools to assist you in your personal growth."
All Things Bright & Spiritual, Online Magazine
"Tirza’s poetry takes you on an adventure deep into the imagination and far beyond, stirring life back into emotions long ignored, be it the child within or the unveiling of your Goddess. Tirza’s many talents are richly steeped in authenticity, as she lives all that she expresses in so many forms. Her words, be they written or spoken, flow directly from her divine soul through her unconditional heart, her love shining upon the paths of many in gentle grace held within the love she expresses in purity.… because Tirza is love!"
SJC-Arohanui, Spiritual Poet
"I have just completed the 6 week summer challenge with Tirza and absolutely loved it. She is very inspiring and an awesome teacher and very supportive, would do another course with her anytime!"
Kay Harris, Client
"Tirza is a bright star. No matter what, her energy is very inspiring for everyone and she is really lovable! Her beautiful personality reflects on her work. Enlightened words and wandering poems bring me joy every time I read them! I want to thank her for being in my life and giving me such positive emotions! Her card readings are highly intuitive and inspirational. Her guidance is helpful and empowering!"
Pinelopi Charalampous, Angel Reiki Healer & Crafting Artist
"Gorgeous Tirza has a beautiful soul, the heart of a mother and she is naughty like a lover. Her beauty and naughtiness reflect in her writings, too. And I feel honoured to get to know her and her Goddess Reiki gives me instant relaxation and peace. I love her giggles very much. In short, thank you, God, for creating such a powerful, hilarious, beautiful, gorgeous, atomic bomb as Tirza. And a big thank you for sending her on Earth for spreading her beautiful energy to everyone around her and to those who watch her and talk to her! Keep writing and keep giggling Tirza, we love you so much! Many, many thanks for creating such a powerful space for us and giving us a chance to grow, love and learn together. May God always bless you and your loving family!"
Apeksha Puri, Client
"As a Reiki practitioner and working with angels, the love and connections that Tirza links to, are blessed by angels, and all our friends are connected in Love and Light."
Lee Duffield, Reiki Practitioner
"I have recently completed Tirza’s 6-week Summer Challenge course. Well what can I say? I have loved every minute of it, the people in the group and Tirza herself is a incredible woman full of endless amounts of knowledge, support, guidance and Love. I have benefited daily from prompts to practice gratitude, accountability posts and daily card readings, not to mention the amazing personal readings you receive from Tirza. I have learnt so much in such a short space of time. Tirza’s meditation skills are mind-blowing and she has the ability to relax you in seconds with her guided meditations. I have come out of this course lighter, brighter and positive about the steps I am making in my life. I feel a little emotional at the thought of the course coming to an end, but I know that Tirza is now someone who has become a good friend and someone I wouldn’t want to be without in my life. Thank you, Tirza, from the bottom of my heart. You are truly amazing and I look forward to the next course you do. Lots of Love xxxxxxxx"
Rebecca Stephenson, Client
"All I can say is WOW. I have just received my reading from this amazing lady. I was able to pick which cards I wanted to use and also a question that I would like some guidance on. The reading involved three cards being drawn by Tirza, who then put the meanings down for me and also gave me a channelled guidance. The cards that were picked were absolutely spot on to how I have been feeling and the guidance that was given to me was so useful. I will definitely be doing what was suggested. I cannot thank Tirza enough for how insightful this reading was. It actually made me cry! If you ever want guidance for any area of your life then I would highly recommend Tirza. She goes above and beyond in her readings. There was so much information and guidance from three cards. This lady is absolutely incredible. Thank you so much Tirza for all of your help. I can't believe you made me cry! xxx"
Karen Carruthers, Reiki Master/Teacher & Hypnotherapist, R.I.P.
"Excellent and accurate... completely aligned with what I am going through... the cards hold special meaning to me on so many levels. I loved your reading.. Great job!"
Tonya R. Anderson, Law Enforcement
"I was not into what the cards mean but then I read your reading… That shit was real. WTF!!! Especially about the cats and all of it was right on fucking point. Thank you for this. This reading is my theme for this year!!! People should get a reading like this... cause that was intense."
​Uwe Holzmann, Electrical Engineering Manager
​"I was one of the lucky people who were able to get a free card reading from the amazing Tirza Schaefer. I don't typically do card readings, or at least, haven't for quite some time. So, I approached my reading in a spirit of fun (always a good thing) but not necessarily putting the pressure of receiving serious guidance on the whole enterprise. Well, I cannot wait to do my next reading! I was stunned, really, at the accuracy of the cards and on Tirza's spot on explanations of how the cards might be interpreted as to one's particular circumstances. From the results of the reading, I would have imagined that Tirza was an expert with tens of years of experience; I do believe there can be value in being Divinely guided through the use of Angel or Tarot cards. Each of the three cards seemed to hone in on a specific issue that was currently at the forefront of my life and her interpretations shed light on how I might view the situations from her intuitive perspective. And, that perspective was just what I needed to hear. Where I was lacking in clarity, she provided it. I could only view her readings as Divinely Guided in terms of their accuracy and spiritual bent. I had to show my appreciation for her work and for her gifts and hope that others will take the opportunity to consult with such an intuitively gifted and thoughtful person."
​Susan Shearer Young, Life Coach
​"Tirza, at the moment I am almost at a loss for words. I have never ever had a reading that was so totally accurate about what is going on at this time…(personal details removed)... Thank you darling, you are so tuned in! I am impressed indeed and love this reading and you so much!"
​​Josesphine Riediger, Retired Specialist Nurse & Counsellor