Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

I have been on a spiritual quest since childhood which took me all the way from institutionalised religion to self-empowered spiritual coaching. I love working with archetypes and help others to get to know themselves better and step more into their own innate power with my teachings on Goddesses, Gods, Power Animals, etc.​
Click on the pictures below to go to the area of Divine Archetypes that interests you most.
Please note that these archetypal energies and concepts are not beings that are outside of you and somehow more powerful, higher and hold you at their mercy. In order to work successfully with archetypes, you need to accept them as personifications of aspects of your own psyche, an innate part of yourself.
I hope you enjoy your stay and find many new and interesting things to explore.
"The world is big enough for everyone to shine!"
Tirza Schaefer
"Writing is the creative act of putting feelings into words in various styles
and forms to give shape to ideas with which I reach out to touch people’s hearts."
Tirza Schaefer
"Tirza's wisdom is like watching a million falling stars lighting up the night
from galaxies unknown...but the lights are within our own hearts. Shine on!"
Gayvenda Kessler, Acclaimed Painter, Spiritual Artist & Healer
"Not only is Tirza, an author of both children's and adults books, she is also a healer,
an intuitive reader, a blogger, an academic genius, a mum, and available for voice overs;
she also runs a couple of Facebook groups and still finds time to have fun.
Tirza has a great sense of humour and is also very thoughtful.
We are so happy that she shares her knowledge with us and makes us laugh.
She is a real pleasure to know. Her pages and her website, are jam-packed
with valuable information and tools to assist you in your personal growth."
All Things Bright & Spiritual, Online Magazine