Hello my beautiful souls!
First of all, apologies for being late with my weekly spiritual blog. I was hoping to be able to finish my article that I am currently writing for this week. However, things keep happening. Like my youngest asking me to help her with learning for her pedagogy written test, my middle one needing accommodation in London with one of my trusted friends (?!) because she wants to go to a Lauren Hill concert and her friend bailed out on her last minute, and now she doesn't have the money to pay for decent accommodation on her own.
So I'm sending messages, posting on Facebook and promising free sessions to put up my daughter and keep her safe, my aunt (who lives on the top floor in our house) asking a million questions about everything we've done or haven't done while she was on holiday with my cousin...
The list goes on. And I got interrupted so often that I lost my mojo, so there is no way, I can finish the article tonight, but I don't want to leave the newsletter any longer.Â
As this is all about power animals, you may want to read up on your favourite animal, or your own one if you know it here!

What I can do, is give you a preview excerpt, exclusive to you. Because the last time a power animal approached me in this way, it was here to stay. And that was Wolf in 2012. Yes, 12 years ago. There have been others, of course, because animals often come for a time to assist you in a specific task or challenge in your life, a phase of development, and then leave again or retreat into the background until, maybe, they are needed again.
You might not know if a new power or spirit animal is there for a time or here to stay, but I can tell the difference by now, as I am personally working intensely with animal spirits, even though I mostly write about Goddesses. So this animal is here for long-term, and he is majestic, proud, in the best sense, serene, powerful, a leader, and wise.
He came bit by bit, increasing my awareness as he appeared in social media posts, YouTube videos, conversations, then dreams and visions. Up to the point when I knew I wasn't making things up, he was calling my attention, while I was going (and still am) through some profound inner changes.
Can you guess yet which animal I'm talking about?

Yes, I have been stalked by a Stag for some time now! A few weeks, in fact. His presence is felt, but he isn't a bully or in-your-face attention grabbing. Instead, he stands there, in the forest, among the trees, silent, confident in the knowledge that his energy and presence is enough to draw my attention eventually.
He doesn't demand action like yesterday. Instead, he waits calmly for me to acknowledge him, make time and connect. A lesson in patience in itself. But as I became more and more aware of his presence first and the energy he exudes, I began to understand how perfectly aligned it all was with what is going on in my life and within me, the shifts I feel are happening, the change in responses, the way I am no longer triggered by people and things I'd have gone ape-shit mental over a few years ago.
And also, Stag is the perfect companion to navigate the great upheavals on the world stage. The political shifts, the wars, the killings and suffering. He is the calm amidst the storm. And I feel this inside me. It is not apathy. Far from it. There is a deep caring. But it isn't all-consuming, desperate and outraged. The best way I can describe it is loving compassion.
Granted, I don't sit in the middle of hitting missiles or any other horrific events happening in other countries. I am comfortable in my own home in a peaceful part of the world. However, I feel like I understand things on a deeper level and I don't have to go psycho to show I care and do not agree with any form of violence.
It is 2:30 am and I might be rambling, but I am trying to give verbal form to a serenity, an inner peace and an intuitive deeper knowing of myself that you may understand. And exactly this feeling is Deer energy. I don't have a "10-steps to" guide to give you. On the one hand, this is a deeply personal experience, on the other, it is of global concern and needs to be shared with the world. And it can't be rushed.
So I will take my time writing and share with you when it is finished instead. For now, find an excerpt below...

The deer family contains 43 species, from reindeer to the Chinese water deer. However, the deer I am talking about here is the one commonly known in mid-European woods nowadays. In Germany, the roe deer is the most common, followed by the red deer. Both species look very much alike and for the purpose of this article, can be used interchangeably. The most common deer in North America (think Bambi), the white-tailed deer, have great similarities, too, and are also included, as well as any deer that are very similar to these.
Lately, I have encountered Stag more and more often, which is why I am writing about deer now. It actually all started with me connecting more to my own ancestors, mostly of the land I live on. I’ve asked them to protect the property and my apartment, as well as my family and we get on great.
As I write this, I am only a month shy of turning 53, and it has taken this long for me to feel at home in Germany. I’ve always felt I belonged more in the UK, my spiritual home, where I lived a decade in my 20s, Spain and Ireland are also contestants. Those are the countries I’ve always felt most at home in. But these last couple of years, including going through menopause has seen some profound shifts inside myself, and Stag obviously thought it was time for me to work with him.
Similar to when Wolf came to me in 2012, Stag started gently by me seeing images on social media, hearing people talk about hunting and then neighbours who moved left a few things behind, among others, a grey candle stick in stag form. It is absolutely not my style, but it now lives in my living room and waits for me to connect more closely with my new spirit animal who came to teach me and share his wisdom with me. As 2024 seems to have time speeding up, as many have remarked, I didn’t really find the time at first, but then, the gentle nudges increased, and I heeded the call.
My first impressions were a profound feeling of peace and power. Stag is not to be trifled with, but he is not excitable, even if that is a bit different in nature when it comes to territory and the ladies of the tribe, of course. However, as it is only him and me in our encounters on the spiritual plane, there is no need to fight. And his strong presence soothes and strengthens me.
I hope you've enjoyed the beginning of my article and look forward to reading it in full when it is finished. As always, I'll keep you posted!
Tirza's Tarot Tuesday
Tirza's Tarot Tuesday is live and this week's reading features Naunet as Goddess of the week.
She is the Egyptian Goddess of of primordial waters of creation.
Find out more and watch my weekly Tirza's Tarot Tuesday video below. Sometimes, my newsletter might be sent out a little late, so my advice is for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and put the bell on, so you'll get notified of all new content I post as and when and won't miss out or discover it only later. Likes and comments are also greatly appreciated, so I will know what you enjoyed and what resonated with you - or not. Thank you.
To read more about Naunet, click on the image:
What I Can Do For You
Being a psychic, an empath, a healer is a calling. It is a life of services to a little slice of humanity. Ethical values are very important to me and when you book a session with me, I take the utmost care that you not only get the best possible service I can provide, but I will also ensure that you feel safe in a private, loving container throughout. My aim is always for you to come away with feelings of hope, clarity and empowerment.
Like when you seek professional services from a doctor, lawyer, etc, our interaction is strictly confidential. I will never disclose any private information to third parties, nor share your contact information with anyone else.
When you feel called to book me for any of my services, you can contact me for any questions you may have - and don't be shy to ask. I serve individuals and I am human, not a bot or program. Seeing and treating you as a unique being with your own very individual needs is part of my mission.
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As you know, I have a playlist on my YouTube channel that contains all videos about Goddesses, mostly Goddess Quick Guides that give you a short overview, but then also some recorded ones where I speak about various Goddesses or Goddess-related topics. I invite you to explore:
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Lots of love from my heart to yours and see you next week,
Tirza xxx