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OMG, you've got to read this!

Writer's picture: Tirza SchaeferTirza Schaefer

Updated: Oct 29, 2024

Hello my beautiful souls!

Have you had that? Everyone is raving about a book, so you pick it up or download it to your e-reader and the next thing you know, it's blowing your socks off.

Yes, it has happened more than once that I really, really didn't like a book that came highly recommended like that, but who wants to be a Debbie Downer and talk about that? Not me!

The plan was to write this week about something else, something I am waiting for, something that is yet to be delivered and hasn't yet. Besides, so much has happened in the family this week, nothing bad, just taking up a lot of hours out of my days, that I didn't even have time for more research. And yes, my own spiritual practice and my studies need to be squeezed in there, too.

Anyway, so this week didn't go as planned, but I am excited to write this at a later date. What I'd love to discuss are great books and some book manifestations magic, Tirzalishezz-style. Haha! Yeah, I said it! Tirzalishezz is actually my old screen name, from back in the days when I worked with a London-based music producer, recording some of my poetry and a lot more spoken lines for other music producers and DJs from old school hiphop to deep, dark house club scene styles. It was fun while it lasted!

The Missing Element by Debra Silverman, M.A.
The Missing Element by Debra Silverman, M.A.

Anyway, back to books. I just finished Sinead Fine's (Tarot for Women) Introduction to Astrology course, and one of the many, many books she recommended was "The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition" by Debra A. Silverman, M.A. I've been familiar with the concept of the four elements since the early 90s, when I started out into adulthood and my esoteric/occult/spiritual journey, and I don't find this book a waste of time to read.

It's really worth going back to basics and revisiting the foundations and deepening it. I find that when I do this, through my personal growth, I find new layers, new insights and a deeper understanding each time. So whether you read Tarot, interpret birthcharts or do witchy workings, it is always a fundamental tool to have.

Your Next Six Figures by Natasha Leigh Bray
Your Next Six Figures by Natasha Leigh Bray

The second book I'd like to introduce to you is by Natasha Leigh Bray, "Your Next Six Figures: Reveal and Heal Your Way to Receiving and Holding Your Next Six-Figure Year, Launch, or Month-Without the Sabotage." This is about manifesting money in a very practical approach. Natasha, with whom I've had the honour to work with in a few of her events and courses, is the perfect example of how a woman can heal her heart to go from rags to riches, from an abusive childhood to a dream life with a happy family, while running a heart-led business, helping women in more than half the world's countries in the process.

In her book, she explains about the concept of success saboteurs she has identified and how to heal them to be able to bring in - and hold - more money, without sabotaging yourself or blocking income through deep-rooted feelings of unworthiness. She is an award-winning entrepreneur and will be featured in Joe Vitale's upcoming documentary movie. At present, she is nominated for yet another award, the Flamingo Business Awards 2024, for the category of Ultimate Entrepreneur Award, voting is ongoing, so if you know Natasha and her work, and want to support her, visit this link to vote:

Hekate Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber
Hekate Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber

Book 3 is a witchy book: "Hekate: Goddess of Witches" by Courtney Weber. It is a wonderfully deep insight into the mythology, as well as the personal experience and practical applications of working with Hekate (also spelled Hecate) in your own magickal* practice.

I find this book very balanced, the author cites many sources, the book is well-researched and she clearly differentiates between  scholarly research and personal gnosis, while keeping it open to give you room to feel comfortable to embark on your own journey into the mysteries of this powerful and often misunderstood Goddess.

It has helped me to find a better connection to the Goddess myself and explore her mythology and personality, as she is not an easy Goddess to grasp and access. And I have to say, so far, it's been a delight. So if you love take-no-shit dark Goddesses, this book is a definite winner.

*I like to spell magick with a ck to distinguish it from stage magic, which is illusion and slight of hand, but to emphasise that I am talking about magick in an esoteric/occult sense.

When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone
When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone

As a woman who has dedicated her life to serving the Divine Feminine and helping other women to access, embrace and own their own divine feminine powers, I am well aware of the the patriarchal influences of distorting and degrading the feminine to win and keep power over women. And still, this book managed to grip me, surprise me, gave me new insights and - touched my heart in a way that was deeply profound.

As I was just searching for the perfect picture to go with this book of indigenous women, wisdom keepers of the old ways, I came across many beautiful women, proudly wearing their traditional regalia and celebrating their indigenous identity and faith.

It was a hard choice, but when I saw this picture above, it spoke to me. Those eyes looked into my soul, reminding me of a past life in an African village, where I was a part of society, a family with grandchildren, the wise woman, the healer. I was happy, cooking over an open fire, my granddaughters around me, one of which had inherited the gift and I was teaching her. I was full of love for my family, my people, and I was so deeply loved and appreciated in turn.

However, one day, a war lord from a larger village further away came with his men to abduct me to boost his own status, having a greatly renowned wise woman to work for him. We marched for several days, in the village, I was treated with fear, but respect, because people did not dare to upset me in case I'd curse them. The grandiose ambitions of their leader weren't their fault, though. I had no desire to hurt anyone. But I was homesick for my loved ones, feeling alone and ostracized from people who didn't understand me and didn't trust me.

I never returned home. I never saw my family again, my beloved people, my adored granddaughter who would have to fend for herself to master her powers and gifts without guidance from me, her loving grandmother and teacher, her guide and safe haven.

This is merely one of the example of what is commonly referred to as the Witch's Wound. Women have been suppressed, instrumentalised, mistreated, degraded, tortured and murdered in the name of toxic masculine patriarchal dominance and power. We all have it. It lives in our DNA, in the mass unconscious collective energy all over the world and we need to heal it, one woman at a time, one man at a time. For there cannot be balance and a healthy society if half of it is stuck in toxic patterns, male or female. Men are wounded by these toxic patriarchal structures and belief systems, the same way as women are. They usually are just much less aware of it.

This book helps to gain a new perspective, changing history - his-story - to her-story and giving a voice to the beauty of the feminine.

And if you want to explore and heal your own inner wounds around this topic, I offer you to explore past life regression with Goddess healing which you can book through my website. I'm looking forward to serving you!

Tirza's Tarot Tuesday

Tirza's Tarot Tuesday is live and this week's reading features Aphrodite as Goddess of the week.

She is the ancient Greek Goddess of love.

Find out more and watch my weekly Tirza's Tarot Tuesday video below.

To read more about Aphrodite, click on the image:

The ancient Greek Goddess Aphrodite
The ancient Greek Goddess Aphrodite


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Lots of love from my heart to yours and see you next week,

Tirza xxx

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