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Dance to Your Own Drum!

Hello my beautiful souls!

Today, something happened. It was deep, profound, joyful and amazing!

Let me tell you about it. Yesterday, I was on a Zoom call in a class given by Jara Geipel, a friend and money mindset coach. It was awesome. And at the end, we spoke about feeling ashamed of admitting (often even to ourselves) our desires and aspirations, i.e. I want a happy lifestyle for myself alone, not only for my children. Like there is something bad about you if you say you want money to finance your own ideal lifestyle, rather than only you want your children to have security, opportunities and happy experiences. - Or you with your children. But being a "proper mum" meant you had to sacrifice and always put your children first.

Something similar came up as well in our Sunday Tarot class by Sinead Fine where we went deeper into the archetype of the Hanged Man card, complete with visualisation, where my personal experience was to change my perspective completely on an issue I was inquiring about. It was quite graphic for me, too. A bit like "a wink with a fence pole," as we say in German, meaning, it's right-in-your-face obvious.

This morning, when I recorded Tirza's Tarot Tuesday, Meretseger came up as Goddess of the week and she brings the message of being authentic, standing in your own power, recharging in solitude and going forth into the world shining your light, regardless who likes it or not. It's about taking off the weight of social conditioning and adverse life experiences that often make us believe that we have to be, act, look, behave a certain way in order to be accepted, loved and respected, when in actuality this belief is very disempowering.

Last but not least, I had a session with astrologer and hypnotist Marce Hilferty in the early afternoon and forgiving yourself, as well as (again!) owning our needs and desires unashamedly is healthy and doesn't make you a bad person or egomaniac.

So yeah, talk about driving the message home! And it's been a general message in my reading, too, Tarot cards and all. What I love about having an open intuition now and being in that energy is that I can spot those synchronicities blindfolded from a mile away. And I love how much it builds trust in the universe (God/dess, Spirit, Creator, whatever you want to call it) and, by default therefore, yourself. It's just such a great, empowering feeling, when you're sure you didn't just make that up because it came in so many ways from so many different sources.

So if you want to find out more, watch my weekly Tirza's Tarot Tuesday video here:

To read more about Meretseger, click on the image:


The (Frame) Drum

Talking about dancing to your own drum can be taken figuratively, as Meretseger teaches us, or literally, picking up your own hand-held frame drum and dancing with it or being in a circle where someone else does the drumming and you the dancing.

It's an amazingly fun and healthy way to not only get into shape, but also into an ecstatic consciousness that enables you to have psychic experiences of some sort. In indigenous cultures, this is practiced regularly, and dancing to the drum is part of many shamanic rituals the world over. It is also a practice that has is very popular among the new age and esoteric/occult communities, part of women's circles, Wiccan or Pagan rituals, etc.

A drum represents the heartbeat of Mother Earth, the Great Mother who gives life to all of the worldly creation, or the heartbeat of your birth mother, the first thing we hear as an infant, which also explains why it is so soothing for babies to be held lying on the mother's chest, or another caregiver, if the mother isn't available at the time (or it's simply daddy's or granny's turn, etc.). Kangarooing babies in this manner that have been born prematurely can mean the difference between death and survival. It's that powerful!

Of course, you can play a recorded drumming, but all women - and men - I've heard of or read about who have their own hand-held drum, say that beating it yourself, especially with your hand, rather than a stick, has a different energy still. It's more powerful. I'm not a regular drummer myself, but having done so occasionally, even if I can't keep a steady rhythm as well as a more seasoned player, definitely feels empowering and enchanting. It takes you into a different state of mind, whether you are sitting down or dancing with it.

And because of the power of that heartbeat, the rhythm you beat yourself, becoming one with the Divine Feminine, the All-Feminine, the feminine creative principle, is one of the many reasons I find - for myself and my clients - working with Goddess archetypes so enriching and empowering. It holds its own special quality that is unique, deep and soul-fulfilling.

If you want to find out more about the ways in which you can work with me to embrace your divine feminine power and Goddesshood, visit my website and check out my services:


Goddess Quick Guide - Manat

This week's Goddess Quick Guide is that of Manat, a pre-islamic Arabian deity.

You can read all about her on my website (click the picture of the Goddess above to do so) and watch her Goddess Quick Guide either on her page here on my website or directly on YouTube.

Click on the button for my Goddesses playlist and watch Manat's short video below:


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Lots of love from my heart to yours and see you next week,

Tirza xxx

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