Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Just like Goddesses, Gods are the deifications of archetypal energies within the human psyche. The mythology of any religious tradition is, therefore, an attempt of that particular culture, to explain human behaviour and thought structures in a narrative, a storyline that is as entertaining as it holds deeper meaning on a physical, a mental/emotional and a spiritual level. If you'd like to find out more about other Gods, click here: Gods.
Divine Scribe & Scholar
Thoth is the Greek name of the Ancient Egyptian God Tehuti (which I use personally and how he introduced himself to me) or Djehuty, which means He Is Like the Ibis. There are man more variants of this and other titles, but these are the most common. His wife is Ma’at, Goddess of Divine Universal Law and Harmony, and his female aspect is Seshat, the Goddess of Divine Order and Cosmic Geometry. She is the inventor of writing, although later in history, Tehuti absorbed these attributes from her. He was formerly believed to be the one to teach humans Seshat's inventions.
Tehuti is the God of wisdom and knowledge. He is patron of scribes and a lunar deity. His animal familiars are the Ibis bird and the Baboon. He was mostly depicted as a human man with the head of an ibis or baboon, but has also been shown as entirely in animal form, as a bird or monkey respectively.
The center of his cult was in Khemenu, known during the Hellenistic period as Hermopolis, city of Hermes with whom the Greeks identified Thoth. The city was partially destroyed in 1826, however, many artefacts, buildings and statues remain to tell the tale of a much loved and revered God of ancient days.
Thoth, which I will call Tehuti henceforth, is also one of my guides, although he does not visit with me continuously, but rather, comes and goes as he is needed. He appears for very specific tasks, usually to do with learning and combining this with divine wisdom, so I can not only make the best of the acquired knowledge but also use it with circumspection and love to impart my wisdom gained unto others who might benefit from it. Tehuti is a God of the collective first of all, but teaches individually in order to ensure the collective can benefit from individual skills and gifts. Nowadays, you would say, he has a strong social conscience.
When you think about that he is said to be the teacher of scribes and was later even said to have invented writing, although earlier texts ascribe this achievement to Seshat, while Tehuti was teaching it to humans, it is obvious that this wonderful God is all about benefitting the whole. If you are only interested in your own profits, you need not write things down. Writing is a means of communication, of making knowledge available to more than one person alone. In this, you have already a pair at minimum or even a group.
Divine Perfection
Tehuti also teaches you the methods of learning, doing research and documenting things. In this, he is very exacting and will not stand for “cowboy jobs”, meaning, delivering sloppy and inaccurate work. Tehuti strives for perfection to uphold the Law of Ma’at, the divine principle of harmony and balance. To him, learning, writing, documenting and such work is an expression of the divine principle. To tarnish it would mean to spit in the face of Creation itself.
Tehuti is the reckoner of time, which also refers to his lunar aspect. He keeps track of cycles and seasons and the lifespan of people, as well as the events taking place in it. In this, he has much in common with his female counterpart Seshat. However, in energetic imprint, the Goddess is more removed still, a universal force, rather than an individual one, and although Tehuti is concerned with universal matters himself, he has a more individualistic approach inasmuch as he likes to further the greater good by helping to develop individual skillsets and a single person’s character.
Tehuti is self-begotten and self-produced. He has unrivalled power and it was believed that the Gods would not exist without his word. He made the calculations to establish all of Creation and he holds the power of magic and divine manifestation. He is given credit as the author of all things religious, philosophical, scientific and magical, although, at this point, it is necessary to point out that the Egyptians didn’t see magic as we do, something inexplicable and perhaps even frightening or evil, although they did have laws that prohibited the use of black magic by penalty of death.
Egyptians knew that magic wasn’t something random or fairy-tale like. It is the proper and accurate application of universal laws of energy in alignment with divine rule. Black magic, however, is the wilful manipulation of energy against the Law of Ma’at and thus, brings chaos and suffering, not only to those involved in the performance of it, but also to Egyptian society as a whole. Egyptians knew that a country could only truly prosper and be a happy society if all parts, all individuals lived according to divine law and were happy. Tehuti, being a God, knows this and works on this principle with societies and individuals alike.
In mythology, Tehuti plays a great part in helping Isis to resurrect her husband Osiris by giving her the correct words to perform the necessary magic to do so. Later, when Horus lost an eye in a battle against his uncle Set, Tehuti gave him counsel that provided the young solar God with the necessary knowledge and wisdom to recover it.
Empowerment Versus Victimisation
It is noteworthy that in each case, Tehuti did not perform these tasks for others, but gave them the necessary tools and knowledge to do so themselves. This is a great difference in Egyptian and modern religion. Egyptian spirituality was all about self-empowerment, modern religions tend to disempower and conceptualise victimhood as a form of religious virtue. You are dependent on God or the Gods, a puppet in the game of divine will without real autonomy and self-government. Egyptian religion taught to work with the powers of the Gods and use them to empower and enable yourself to perform certain tasks and achieve certain goals.
Thoth being the God of Wisdom and learning, he was credited with having authored many books. Vast libraries with many scrolls were attributed to him and Seshat, his female counterpart was mistress over those. It is also important to note that the Egyptians called their libraries Houses of Life, which means that they deemed knowledge and learning to be vital for one’s understanding of the mysteries of life and moreover, self-empowerment. Science and spirituality were not opposed, as they often are in modern Western worldviews, but part of the same fundamental education, complementing each other and needing to be studied to understand either one fully, which cannot be done without understanding the other.
I remember editing a manuscript for a client once in which much reference to the laws of physics were contained. As I am not an overly scientifically versed person, I had to do some research and study some physics in order to be able to undertake this task, as I could not otherwise ascertain that the meaning of each sentence pertaining to physics was correct. So I refreshed my knowledge on some basics and read up on Einstein’s theory of relativity. It worked, too. During this time, Tehuti was at my side, always coaxing me on when I was despairing over having to get my head around some advanced scientific theories in a relatively short period of time, especially as I am more inclined to creative pursuits and language.
During this time, I was given much support by Tehuti and he even gave me some examples of concepts that involved words, so as for me to better be able to relate to it all. I was so grateful that he was able to explain concepts to me in a way that were easy for me to understand, simplifying concepts to a point where I understood them enough to be able to do my editing work. He was loving and patient, too, a very gentle character. I loved the way he worked with me and persisted without force, even when I was getting defensive. Tehuti easily broke through my resistance and showed me that it wasn’t so difficult after all, once I was open and ready to receive.
In one of my channelled messages, two of which you can find in my book My Spirit Song, Tehuti explains sound vibrations thus:
“A letter translates
To a certain sound vibration
A word is a series of these.”
As soon as I heard the word “word”, my walls went crumbling down. I was able to open myself up and receive not only knowledge about physical laws on sound vibrations, but I was actually receiving the wisdom imparted in this statement. I can learn anything when I find joy in it. I find joy in language and as soon as Tehuti speaks of language, I am learning. Easily, too.
This also taught me to make learning more fun for my children. When they didn’t understand something at school, I had always been trying to explain it in the simplest terms, so they would understand, but often found that there was a mental block to overcome first. Adapting Tehuti’s approach in getting them to see the fun in it and using something they loved to relate to made my task so much easier. My children are all three very intelligent. They don’t need simplification, as their intellect is not challenged; they need to be interested and feel joy in what they do. It works and I even wrote a children’s book, How Picasso Makes You a Genius, using this fun approach that is based on a conversation I had with my youngest daughter Tarini when she was eight.
In this way, Tehuti not only supported me in my work to learn something new that would enable me to perform my work properly, but he also showed me how to apply this not only for myself, but also for my children. And now, several years later, my youngest daughter has decided to share her own wisdom with the world, using my business page on Facebook as her platform. The most recent of her posts at the time of writing this was:
“When you don’t feel like
Tidying up your room,
Make a game of it.
It’s a lot more fun.”
The Ripple Effect
Can you see the ripple effect in this? The concentric circles created that are forever widening, reaching further? It took me years to see how this beautiful loving and patient God works his magic. By empowering one person, he creates a ripple effect that reaches so many more minds and hearts, blessing a wide community of souls who benefit from this. It also shows clearly how much power a single person can really have, so never underestimate the influence you have on others, good or bad, and act accordingly, being mindful of the consequences of what you say and do.
When you write, journal, teach or study, working with the energy of Tehuti is a wonderful aid in bringing out the flow in you to communicate clearly and gain greater insights into not only a subject matter and new or enhanced skills in a certain area, but also gain greater wisdom at the same time. Tehuti teaches us the inter-connectedness of all things. He is exacting, but also simplifies complex concepts to make the easily understandable in a way you can personally relate to in order to embrace and apply it.
In this way, you are better serving the whole by him serving one. Tehuti thus interlaces microcosm and macrocosm on all levels, according to the law of Ma’at, the divine order.