Summer Heat doesn't agree with steaming hot and heavy food, so what to eat?
Salads are definitely a great choice. The green leafy variety, that is. You can make a vinaigrette, (vegan) yoghurt or some other dressing, add fresh herbs from the store or home-grown, and top it with things like cucumber, cherry tomatoes, spring onions, grated carrots and other cool, fresh produce that you like. When you serve it with fresh, crusty bread like (baguette or ciabatta) and a little dish of olive oil to dunk it in if you like that, or for a more filling meal, add some honey-glazed goat's cheese on top, it becomes even more delicious. Some pieces of fruit in the mix, especially when you add a honey-mustard dressing, go really well with that, too.
Then, the children's favourite, ice cream! An easy and cost-efficient way is to buy your own molds and add fresh or 100% pure bought juice. This is quick to make, it just takes a few hours to freeze, so best leave it overnight. If you want to do things at a more advanced level, you can always free different juices in layers, so you'll end up with a striped popsicle.
Cold soup. A cool soup to refresh you in hot times is another favourite when you want something light and not sweet. If you make a basic vegetable broth and add whichever veggies you love, then let the whole thing cool down in the fridge before serving, it's a great way to have a winter-warmer turned summer-cooler.
Which vegetarian or vegan dishes do you like best during the hot season? Hit the reply button and let me know!
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