Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Power or Spirit Animals have their very own way of teaching and guiding you, or just spending time together. They are a wonderful source to connect to nature and the animal kingdom. They can also guide you to the Lower World to work on the deeper parts of your psyche, your instincts and intuition. Check out more Power Animals here.
Big Foot
Kangaroos live solely in Australia and belong to the family of Macropodidae (lit. large feet). There are three species in the family of Macropodidae, kangaroos being the largest, wallaroos of intermediate size and wallabies are the smallest. As they are all very similar in physical built and also in meaning, I will group all these three species here under the most commonly known term, kangaroo.
Kangaroos are mammals, have large, powerful hind legs, whereas the front legs are rather small. They have a large tail designed to keep balance and carry their young in a pouch on their lower belly after birth until the little one is old enough to move about on its own. The animal is the symbol of Australia, is featured on the country’s coat of arms and also depicted on some currency. It is also used in the logos of some companies like Qantas and also the Royal Australian Airforce.
Because the kangaroo has to regularly cover large distances in search of food and water, it has evolved to hopping around. At a leisurely pace, the kangaroo has around 20-25 km/h, it can sustain a speed of 40 km/h over a distance of nearly 2 km and in short sprints, speeds of up to 70 km/h have been recorded, making it a very fast sprinter, but also a good long-distance runner, excuse me, hopper.
Most of the predators posing a threat to kangaroos are now extinct, but some smaller ones are being pursued by dingos, snakes and feral cats and dogs. Kangaroos, both male and female, fight amongst each other for water, but those are brief fights. The longer ritualised ones involving boxing and kicking, are held amongst males when fighting over a female. When pursued by a predator, they can also take to the water where they will try to push the enemy under water with their front legs to drown them, or hold them and then disembowel them with their powerful hind legs. So as cute as these animals look, it is best not to start a fight with them and approach with caution because they will also easily outrun you.
Kangaroo as a power animal tells us that now is not a time to look back. These days are over. You have to keep moving forward with the momentum. If you find yourself in a bad situation, it is time to get out as fast as you can! If you are working on a project, it will most likely take around nine months to come to fruition and benefit you, so commit fully to it and keep going. The rewards will be there if you pursue your project with dedication and put in the effort now.
Kangaroos move forward at a rapid pace with the help of their powerful hind legs, and with their strong, long tails, they can keep balance very well. When Kangaroo comes into your life, it is time for you to stop looking back and move forward. It is also assuring you that you have your creative powers balanced with mundane skills and utilizing both to maximise efficiency, quality and benefits of your work and effort, you are capable of easily achieving great things.
The Mobsters
Kangaroos live in groups, called mobs. They are very caring and protective of the weaker ones in their family and teach you that family or a close circle of friends is important and something to be grateful for and cherished. In general, Kangaroo brings abundance because of its adaptability and its speed by which it moves towards that which it wants. Kangaroo won’t let an opportunity go by without taking it. Therefore, we can learn much from this unique creature, by not procrastinating any longer or allow our fears to stop us, but instead, go after what we want.
When we do nothing, nothing can be gained, but if we make an effort, we have at least tried and learned some valuable lessons along the way which better equip us for future endeavours. Learning experiences are never wasted. They allow us to gain valuable insights and acquire new skills in the process. So when things are getting difficult and you want to draw that blanket over your head and turn around in bed, think of the powerful Kangaroo which will hop at great speed towards its goals and will not be shy to fight for what it wants, either.

In my romance novel Drew, Raven, the female protagonist, meets five SpecOps Marine officers who all look out for each other. Moreover, they make her one of them and she feels what it is like to be loved and accepted as part of their family by choice. Living a rather exclusive life as a poet and writer, she is not used to getting so much attention from several men, but once she has found a place in their midst and has experienced first hand what it is like to be so well protected and looked after, it gives her a sense of joy and confidence she had not known before.
Rather than hiding away, she helps to work through the problems the team of Marines encounters, of whose creation she has, unwittingly, been a part of, but when the situation gets out of control, she is the one diffusing it and also standing up for someone who is not in a position to defend himself at the time. She finds her inner strength, tempered with great compassion and rises to the occasion with courage, love and determination.
Intuitive Guidance
When it comes to children, Kangaroo is a loving nurturer, as they carry their babies in a pouch at the belly. From this, the term kangarooing is derived, meaning the carrying around of human babies, especially those born prematurely, to give them love, life force energy and this also stimulates the sense of balance in small children. Babies that are never being carried and don’t experience the gentle sway of this motion later have problems walking and keeping their balance as they get older. They will also be more likely to develop psychological and verbal disorders, so Kangaroo teaches us how to best look out and care for our young.
Kangaroo also teaches us to follow our intuition and not overthink every single step. When they are on the run, they just take off and let their instincts guide them. If they didn’t, they’d most likely be extinct by now. So when working with the energy of this beautiful and powerful animal, we should take heed to take action and do, following our own inner guidance, rather than paralysing ourselves with self-doubts and overthinking.
Also, Kangaroos have such large, muscular feet, they have a good connection to the earth plane and are great teachers for reflexologist and massage therapists and other people working in similar professions to do with the apparatus and movement of the body. I once attended a shamanic circle at a holistic fare. There were over 20 people in the room, yet three of them all had Kangaroo as their power animals, according to the two shaman ladies. When asked what they did for a living, it turned out that all three worked in professions that related to the healthy balance and movement of the body. It was quite amazing to find out and I think that day was the key experience that started me into looking deeper into the subject of power animals.