Tirza Schaefer: Romance Author & Goddess Facilitator

Anastasia has always loved to bake cookies. She has become an expert and now runs an exclusive cookie shop which holds real treasures. However, the one treasure she has always longed for which eludes her is a family of her own. When she loses a lazy employee, she finds herself faced with a princess and a fairytale king which seem to answer her prayers. Her happiness seems complete when Stasia finally has a daughter and a husband.
However, the marriage is arranged and although her husband loves his daughter Cara, Anastasia herself seems to leave him altogether cold. But then he returns home one day with a few bruises and tempers heat up by several degrees. In the end, Anastasia is willing to give up the reality of her entire life in order to save her fake family from utter destruction.
A move seems imminent, but her husband Duke is not so easily convinced.
The Book's Creation
This romantic story found its way into existence in the summer. I think it was on Facebook where I first saw the link to this amazing young woman who made an art – and a living – out of decorating cookies. It was amazing to see her practice her craft. She was so skilled at doing this and the results were breathtaking.
This led me to think of my daughter Tarjani who had a phase in which she loved to bake cakes and cookies. And cookies reminded me of Christmas, Tarjani’s face in front of my inner eye reminded me of an angel, and this in turn of younger children. And thus, suddenly, the story took form in my mind. The lady who loved to bake and was a true artisan at her craft, the little girl who looked like a princess and the strong warrior who somehow found his way into the cookie shop with his little angel daughter.
The question of why they would not only enter the shop but stay there long enough for the adults to fall in love and the cookie lady and little girl to bond, I answered with nearly dropping my phone and somehow music went on because I must have touched the player button. Lenny Kravitz roared “Always on the run!” and thus, it was decided! The father and child were on the run and Miss Cookie Lady would take them in and protect them.
And when I looked at my mum who walked in at that moment, I had a reason why the two were on the run as well – and I have to admit that my mother never found out that she was the inspiration for the villains of the story – which were horrid grandparents who were trying to take the child away from her father and were not nice to the little girl at all. But as they were rich and influential, they had some leverage. And thus, the story unfolded in my head, while I was typing furiously to keep up with the inner cinematography that is my creative process.
So if you ever wonder, how Christmas can enter the mind of an author during a summer holiday, you now have the answer. This is what happened and why it was published on 21st July 2016.
A New Family for Christmas is one of the more romantic and less erotic ones, but it is heart-touching and has its own unique charm, as all my books have. I don’t like to write by one formula and use this repeatedly until it becomes generic. I like to try out new things, visit new places and incorporate new ideas. I develop as an author, as much as I develop as a person. Each of my books are unique and each one holds a special place in my heart, each has a unique story behind the story. This is the one for A NEW FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS.
“You don’t know what quality means if it hit you in the face,” a woman shouted after her.
She was now stepping out of the shop. Her hair was tied in a clean, tidy bun at the nape of her neck and she wore Christmas decorations in it, which made her look like an elf or some other creature associated with Christmas. On her head sprouted reindeer antlers made from felt. She was older than Karen, maybe in her mid-thirties. Her blue eyes shot darts of rage at the younger woman’s back walking down the road.
“You’re still wearing my apron!” she shouted now.
Karen stopped in her tracks, tore the apron off and tossed it to the ground. Then she walked on again, in a gait that was proof of her barely contained anger.
The little girl’s father walked after her and picked up the apron. He dusted it off carefully and returned, handing it back to the shop’s proprietor. He expected a look of disgust from this very clean woman. No one liked grubby, smelly homeless people and this woman was working with food. Cleanliness would be a major priority for her.
“Thank you, Sir,” she answered when she took the offered apron from his hands.
There was nothing but kindness and gratitude in her eyes now. Not even pity. When had been the last time anyone had called him “Sir”? He couldn’t remember, but it felt good. Way too good for a scruffy man like him. Did he still deserve to be called thus, he wondered?
He nodded at her and smiled politely, holding her eyes. Not good. She would remember him now. He shouldn’t look into people’s eyes. They were more likely to recall his face when he did. He quickly lowered his gaze again and smiled at his daughter instead, who stood behind the woman.
“Come on, princess, we have to hurry,” he said quietly, trying hard not to look at the woman again.
By God, it was difficult not to. Even in his days of service, a woman like her would have been a special shot and he’d had women throwing themselves at his feet to spend a night with him. He hadn’t looked at them, however. He’d been married and he’d always taken his vows seriously.
“Yes, daddy,” the little girl said, knowing this wasn’t the time to argue.
Not in front of a stranger. Her father had drummed into her that they couldn’t draw attention to themselves. People would remember and someone might report them.
“Wait. Is this your daughter?” the woman asked, looking at the child now.
Shit! His daughter was beautiful. She looked like an angel even in her worn old clothes and with a dirty face. She was just too beautiful to be overlooked. Pride and concern filled his chest in equal parts.
“Excuse me now, we have to get to the shelter,” he addressed the woman without meeting her eyes.
“You can’t…”
“We have nowhere else to go, ma’am. Please.”
He didn’t see how her face set in determination, the look of horror and surprise disappearing at the same time.
“You do now. Please, come in,” she offered in a gentle tone. “That’s no place for a little princess.”


Reviews for A New Family for Christmas
A lovely little tale of second chances, trust and love.
Anastasia is an expert cookie baker and her little bakery is her pride and joy. Baking cookies makes Anastasia happy. As happy as she can be with no family of her own. That is the one thing that she can't seem to get.
Until a cold day before Christmas, when Anastasia finds herself faced with a 'princess' and a 'fairy-tale king'. More like a homeless father and his beautiful young daughter, who seem to be in dire need of a hot cup of chocolate and a cookie. But the little girl is so sweet that Anastasia calls her a princess and the game extends to her father too. And Anastasia can't help but notice how Cara and Duke, despite their grubby and rugged appearance, seem to be ... much more.
Duke reluctantly accepts the kind woman's invitation, one that leads to more than the ex-seal turned homeless runaway could have ever wished for. A second chance, if he dares to take it.
Anastasia had always longed for a family of her own and with little Cara being so sweet and gentle, she can't help but grasp at the chance with both hands. She offers father and daughter a home. For the benefit of the little girl as well as her own happiness. An arranged marriage would seal the deal and both man and woman pledge themselves to do their best for the other. Platonically of course, because it is an arranged marriage after all.
But hearts can't help and fall in love, especially when kindness, gentleness and respect are what a relationship is based on. And Anastasia starts to dream of a little more than just a platonic relationship with her new husband. Whether he has feelings for her though, is a completely different matter.
Short, sweet and endearing, this is a little tale of kindness, trust, second chances and love. It will set a smile on your lips and warmth in your heart.
So go ahead and give it a try.
Hugs and light everyone
and be kind.
The Magic Book Corner, International Book Blogger
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I've read the author's Christmas books over the Christmas holidays but forgive me, I didn't get round to posting the reviews sooner. Life happens. Anyway, catching up now. And I loved this. I never had a family of my own, wife and children, I mean, but I've had many friends who did. They received Dear John letters, divorce papers, missed their children's graduation and some never returned home at all.
That this father is so concerned about his daughter that he takes off with her in this story is understandable for me. And I'd like to think that every veteran who is facing big challenges and adversities in life has the support of a kind soul like Anastasia in this book. And I won't even start on children. There is a whole other big topic that needs to be addressed not only in our country but worldwide. Children are our future and they should grow up safe, sound and protected. I may not have any myself but that doesn't blind me to the issues we face globally. To see how a single person can make such a difference in two people's lives who are at the end of their tether is deeply moving.
I very much hope that whoever reads this will be spurned on to commit more acts of kindness. Even little ones. It would make the world a better place if everyone just did one act each day. It doesn't have to be big. You never know how even a smile can change a person's life. And for homeless people, it is often the most uplifting thing to be seen and not ignored. They have human dignity as well. We shouldn't be so quick to judge strangers through their outward appearance. You never know what they've been through.
This book was a lovely little read for the Christmas season and possibly the sweetest of all the author's books. Didn't make it boring in the least, either, even without the steam level I have become accustomed to from this author. Definitely a great read.
Tuari Eagleswing, Reader
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This heartfelt and endearing love story centres around former Seal Duke, his sweet daughter Cara, and cookie-baker extraordinaire Anastasia. Finding themselves without a roof over their heads, Duke and his daughter accidentally happen upon Anastasia's bakery shop, and she invites them in for the night. And herein lies an instant connect, but not the one between man and woman, but the one between woman and child. And it is so sweet! She cares for Cara as her own, and soon she comes up with a plan to change Duke and Cara's lives forever, even if the solution to their problems may not be based on love between her and Duke. But you know... sometimes love comes softly. I found myself smiling many a time, and the budding relationship between Duke and Anastasia is so sincere and respectful. I highly recommend this little Christmas romance!
Catrin Russell, Author
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A New Family For Christmas is an absolutely fabulous little Christmas Tale by Tirza Schaefer! Anastasia is an expert cookie baker and her little bakery is her pride and joy. Baking cookies makes Anastasia happy. As happy as she can be with no family of her own. That is the one thing that she can't seem to get.
This heartfelt and endearing love story centres around former Seal Duke, his sweet daughter Cara, and Anastasia. Finding themselves without a roof over their heads, Duke and his daughter accidentally happen upon Anastasia's bakery shop, and she invites them in for the night. The little girl is so sweet that Anastasia calls her a princess and the game extends to her father too. And Anastasia can't help but notice how Cara and Duke, despite their grubby and rugged appearance, seem to be ... much more.
Anastasia had always longed for a family of her own and with little Cara being so sweet and gentle, she can't help but grasp at the chance with both hands. She offers father and daughter a home. For the benefit of the little girl as well as her own happiness. An arranged marriage would seal the deal and both man and woman pledge themselves to do their best for the other. Platonically of course, because it is an arranged marriage after all.
But you know, sometimes love comes softly, and Anastasia starts to dream of a little more than just a platonic relationship with her new husband. Whether he has feelings for her though, is a completely different matter. A lovely little tale of second chances, trust and love. I definitely recommend this for the holiday season. It is such a heartwarming read.
Roisin Robbins, Reader
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I've just received this in the post three days ago and read it in one session. This story is so cute and it also is so tender and loving. The author's dedication is addressed to those who are unable to conceive a child of their own. She encourages others by sharing her own history of being adopted and having children she gave birth to herself, so she is familiar with both ways of building a family and says both are equally valid and strong. Schaefer doesn't merely write a love story, she shines her light, giving hope and spreading joy in the process. And still, the intimate scenes are really hot. And it all works! All of it! I love it! A great read, not only at Christmas time.
Sekhmet, Reader
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A short pleasant read for the holiday season. What is not to love about a lonely Samaritan coming to the rescue of a homeless man and his daughter. 'Tis the season of goodwill after all. Well worth checking out.
Rose English, Reader
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I had never been one for romance novels, but A New Family For Christmas caught my attention from the start and kept it throughout. It was very relatable as it dealt with not just romance, but family also. A New Family For Christmas and its great characters deserve a much larger novel, for the journey was fun but left me wanting more.
Hershel Layne, Reader
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I wish, I wish, there was a way of bottling Tirza Schaefer’s feel-good, lusciously romantic, spiritual and sexy stories into a a magic tonic. We could take it every time we felt bad, and the world would be a much better place, I swear. You cannot be a cynic if you love Tirza’s books. They are for the light of heart, the believer of true romance, of love conquering all, sprinkled with sugar dust and meant to be eaten like fairy cakes. Honestly. Don’t read this if you like your books dirty and sour-tasting at the end. DO read this if you want the book equivalent of a hug and a box of chocolates.
This Holiday-themed book tells us the story of Anastasia, who takes pity on the homeless Duke and his cute-as-a-button daughter, Cara. After inviting them into her house, she and Duke gradually fall in love, but they have more to find out about each other, even after their whirlwind marriage. Duke has firm ideas about their future, but they don’t line up with Anastasia’s, so they have to find a way through, or risk losing their happiness.
This is a relatively short book at sixty-four pages, but as I’ve come to expect, she packs a lot into a standalone story. Is it a deep-dive look into the issues of homelessness, men surviving after leaving the military, and a woman trying to thrive in business on her own? No, but if you want a magical romance with plenty of heart, little angst and just a bit of heat, this book is definitely worth a look.
Jayne Lockwood, Author
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As I'm not much of a Halloween fan, I went straight from summer romance to Christmas this year and picked the first of the author's Christmas series (all standalones, but I like going in chronological order anyway). A New Family for Christmas is a really sweet spicy romance novella, perfect for the season and heartwarming like a hot chocolate with whipped cream in front of an open fire on a snowy winter's day. It warms you in all the right places, leaving you with a feelgood glow, long after you've turned the last page.
Stasia is single. A business woman who loves baking cookies, she invites a homeless man and his little daughter into her shop for a hot chocolate and a cookie or two. She also offers them a place to sleep as she doesn't like the idea of the little girl sleeping in a shelter. Besides, there is something about the dad that just captivates her. It turns out, the two are on the run from evil grandparents and Stasia offers a marriage of convenience to help protect the child. But then she falls for the father who doesn't show any interest in her in a romantic way. The little girl Cara is just adorable and her dad Duke... let's say, I bounced between rooting for him and Stasia to get to together and wanting to wring his neck. Lol. A great, sweet and entertaining slowburn!
Zoe McAllistair, Reader
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This Christmas story was a welcome break from my usual reading. It was a nice and relaxing read that still managed to entertain me through the story of Anastasia. I enjoyed the festive and cozy atmosphere, the characters and the story itself. It was a perfect book to get into the Christmas spirit. If you're looking for a lighthearted and heartwarming holiday read, I recommend this one.
Adina Grey, Author
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This is a short read but it's full of happiness and family. Family can be made if you are truly meant to be together and I think this book shows that... Just when Duke and his daughter, Cara think there's no hope left..they come across a cute little bakery not knowing the lady inside, would change their lives forever...and they change hers too.. Anastasia is sad and just wants a family but can't have children of her own.. but when she meets Duke and Cara, she can see herself as a mother to Cara and a wife to Duke... but will things be that easy? Will magic help them become the family they all 3 want or is it fate?
If you have an hour, grab this book.. It's a great short read.
Amanda Welch, Reader
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This was a cute story of Anastasia, Duke and Cara. Each one needed something that the other could give. Experiencing Christmas from another's eye and being able to give a gift from the heart. It was a great quick read. Loved it.
Kellie Waldron, Reader
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A New Family for Christmas is Book 1 Tirza’s Christmas Tales Standalone Series. I couldn’t put this book down. I loved the storyline. The characters are so well written. I loved the dynamic between Anastasia, Duke, and Cora. This is a slow burn romance that will tug at your heart strings. As always be mindful of any trigger warnings, what I like you may not. Happy Reading!
Jaime Cantrell, Reader
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I have read almost every one of Tirza's books. I cannot say a single one disappoints me at all. I love this story. Even though, I do not know how realistic this would be. It is still possible. I love the fact that veterans were thought of and helped within this book. It is something we all need to do more of in our everyday life. I just love how in tune Duke and Anastasia are. You cannot forget about Princess Cara because she is cute, adorable, and oh so smart. She deserved the world, which she got.
Elise Ballard, Reader
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Duke is running from the past to protect his daughter and Anastasia pops up in the nick of time to rescue them. This was a super sweet love at first sight book. So good can't wait for book 2 in Tirza's Christmas Tales!
Dusty Shirley, Reader
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Feel Good Holiday Read!! This book reminds me of the Christmas song about the child who wants to buy his mom shoes for Christmas. I don’t know why other than the fact that it drew the same emotions out in me that I feel when I hear that song. I loved how Anastasia saw beyond the surface and took a chance on Duke and his daughter. I loved Duke’s devotion to his daughter and the risks that he took to keep her. If you are wanting an emotional, very enjoyable Christmas story, stop now and grab this!
Jenn Maryk, Reader
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The author created a good story about Baker Stasia and Single dad Nate and daughter Cara becoming a loving, forever family!
Heather Arbuckle, Reader
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This was a good short read. Love these wonderful characters. It was a short, loving book. It was an interesting story. Short books, like this, in between long ones.
Rose Helg, Reader
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A New Family For Christmas is such a great read for the holiday season. It’s shows the compassion of helping those in need. It was quick short story but it was great nonetheless. It was a feel good story that made you believe in the spirit of Christmas. This book is also great because it deals with a male single parent trying their best for their child. I very rarely read about male parents having to take care of their children, so this was a good change for my reading preferences. I would definitely recommend this story because it helped to put me in the holiday spirit of giving and made me believe in Christmas miracles.
Jordan Fiest, Reader
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I loved this book! It is about Duke and his daughter Cara as they overcome obstacles. Along this journey, they meet Anastasia, who is a miracle for them. This is definitely a slow burn Christmas romance. It is also involves the adoption of Cara. The book has mention of child abuse, alcohol, suicide and child abduction. I would recommend this book looking for a short Christmas slow burn romance.
Courtney Stewart, Reader
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A New Family for Christmas by Tirza Schaefer is a sweet romance lover's dream come true. And it's not just the magic of the holidays at work here either. Love is fully employed, especially for Cara. In fact, having Duke and Cara in her home is Anastasia's greatest dream. Overall, this quick and sweet Christmas read is a highly satisfying holiday romance with an emphasis on family and meeting everyone's needs. Duke, Anastasia and Cara are there for one another unconditionally from the start to the HEA.
Kelly DeMarco, Reader
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This is the first book in the Tirza’a Christmas Tales, a stand alone collection of Christmas time novellas. Duke has just lost his wife and is on the run with his daughter from his horrible in-laws. When he stumbles upon a little town and a lonely cookie decorator, he finds himself developing feelings for her. She tells him about how she’s always wanted a family, and Duke knows what he needs to do. There are currently 4 Christmas Tales, and I can’t wait to read the other ones.
Lindsey Acree, Reader
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Duke and his daughter Cara, don't have anywhere to go. When Anastasia offers them a place to stay he takes her up on it. She soon expresses that she wants them to stay with her forever and they become a family. A good short read if you're looking for something quick and heartwarming.
Lisa Rodriguez, Reader
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I really enjoyed reading the book. The story was alive and felt so real. The characters were great together. I really love how the book ended.
Tonya Owens, Reader
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She owns a cookie shop and he and his daughter are trying to stay out of the eye of the law. He took her from her grandparents who were mistreating her. Anastasia takes them in and shows them love and admiration. They get married and are attempting to clear up the past that has them on edge. It was a great book. May want to have a tissue or two near you.
Christine Wilson Campbell, Reader
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This was a cute short read and perfect for the Christmas season. I love all of Tizra's books as she makes them all believable.
Arielle Stahl, Reader
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Duke lost his wife and is staying at a shelter since he has no where to live with his daughter. When one day they pass by a cookie shop his daughter asks for a cookie and the shop owner lets them in and offers them a place to stay. Duke starts to develop feelings for the shop owner, Anastasia, and she has always wanted a family and would love to be apart of theirs… This was such a cute story about a shop owner giving strangers a chance.
Anna, Reader