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The featured card below is from the classic Rider-Waite-Smith deck on which about 85% of all modern Tarot decks are based.

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X The Wheel of Fortune
010 The Wheel of Fortune.jpg


Cycles, New Chapter, Change, Luck, Fortune

Card Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune, card Number 10 of the Tarot’s Major Arcana, is all about life’s changes, a lot of which we haven’t seen coming or didn’t want to see until we don’t have a choice any longer. Life has its ups and downs, as the only constant in life is change. That is because everything is made from energy that vibrates and is in certain formations (in-formation). This moving energy is also called energy in motion, meaning emotion. Depending on the frequencies you run on, you attract things, people and events into your life that match this vibration.


However, there are times, even, or especially when we are on a path of accelerated growth, that events occur that can be very intense, either in a “good” or “bad” way, meaning certain events make us happy, others feel very uncomfortable. But think about it this way, when you change inside, by the law of physics, your outside will have to change as well. As this is mostly time-delayed and there are still things in your life manifested by the “old” you, it sometimes takes a bang to adjust and to let go.


You may outgrow old friends, eating habits or thought patterns. That the transition isn’t always a smooth one is to be expected. Sometimes, we may also fall back into old patterns for a while before fully embracing the new, so there are many different factors that can cause upheavals in one way or another.

The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that life has its ups and downs and as the Goddess Fortuna turns the wheel clockwise, you will sometimes be on top and sometimes down. However, whatever the outside occurrences are in your life you experience at any given time, don’t forget that it is your choice entirely how you react to them. You can see those experiences as a way to learn and grow, see the positive in everything, even if it is only how not to do something. This is a powerful lesson in itself already.


The Wheel of Fortune is usually a very positive and auspicious card. It lets you know that even if one door closes, another one will open. New things, people and events are appearing in your life and new opportunities present themselves. If you use a spread, the surrounding cards may tell you in more detail what the surprising changes the Wheel of Fortune heralds may be.


As a single card, The Wheel of Fortune asks you to be open to change and embrace anything positive and all the new opportunities that arise from it. Start by counting your blessings. Look at a situation you are struggling with from a more detached point of view and see how you can benefit in terms of wisdom, knowledge and life experience, no matter whether these changes occurring are positive or negative to you at the time.


When you can see some blessing in everything, even difficult and challenging situations, you will find that Fortuna smiles upon you once again.








Daisy, Heather, Jasmine, Clover, Slippery Elm, Oak, Kitchen Garden: Bay (Yule), Parsley (Candlemas), Violet (Ostara), Chives (Beltane), Lemon Verbena (Summer Solstice), Basil (Lamas), Sage (Autumn Equinox), Onion (Hallows)


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